Ghost of Tsushima is a 2020 action-adventure game created by Sucker Punch Productions and also released by Sony Interactive Entertainment . Including an open world, the player controls Jin Sakai, a samurai on a quest to shield Tsushima Island throughout the first Mongol intrusion of Japan. The video game was launched for PlayStation 4 on July 17, 2020, and also a Director's Cut for PlayStation 4 as well as PlayStation 5 was launched on August 20, 2021. It got appreciation for its visuals as well as combat, but was criticized for its open world activities. Ghost of Tsushima additionally made numerous honor nominations and also victories, and sold 6.5 million copies by March 2021. Sony Interactive Entertainment has implemented an update that fixes a defect that 褌 disappears from the Equipment list at the open world action Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut to work for soccer punches. Equipment of Hitoshi Werekito, which is available when you meet the conditions. So far, th...
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