Wow: Dragon Flight was well received. Has it reinforced your trust in Blizzard? Or do you still have doubts? In the meantime, World of Warcraft Dragon flight has been released for almost 2 months and most may have had the opportunity to bring their characters to level 70 and experiment with the final game content. Lots of are still hesitant and current figures from raids or mythical+ suggest that Blizzard has actually lost numerous gamers with Shadow lands who did not even give Dragon Flight the chance. We wish to take this as a chance to learn whether Blizzard could make up for lost trust with Dragon flight or whether the expansion is a pure dissatisfaction for you. But let's list again what has happened in World of Warcraft and Blizzard recently and months. Overall, Blizzard was shaken by numerous scandals over the years. So there were lots of accusations of sexism within the business and specifically with the Wow developer group. Numerous layoffs and restructuring followed. In ...
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