Already since Patch 9.1.5, our heroes in Wow Shadowlands can change their pact more or less freely. Restrictions that still existed to start the expansion are gradually dropped, so it's just a visit to Oribos. And a few mouse clicks requires to make a Venthyr paladin from your Kyrian Paladin. But there are still some, smaller inconveniences. One of them falls away with the upcoming patch 9.2. Resting is changing independently very nice, but at the same time hardly necessary Resting is changing independently So far, it was so that your Rufstein , if it was bound to the pactsSanktum, has been changed automatically by the system. The new position was always the ring of destinies in Oribos. That was not bad at all. After all, you would otherwise have been thrown out from the old sanctum after use. In Patch 9.2, this position changes now. Instead of Oribos, the position of the euro is automatically switched to the new pact. So you switch from the Kyrians to the Venthyr, the ...
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